GOD IS DEAD! Forget your false beliefs. Throw down your gods. And Give all of your Faith in WILSON The Winter Asian! together we will be THE WILSONATION!!! Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen! Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!Amen!...
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Beep. Boop. De@th 2 Twilight. beep.
ItZa MagixZ
Under Repair at the moment...I will try to make your forum browsing more pleasurable.